Here are some pictures from the 24th of july , First day of school and Labor Day. I know it has taken me forever to get this pictures up but low and behold they are up now : ). Things have just been so crazy. I haven't had more then 5 minutes of free time. Life is great : ) I couldn't ask for things to be any better : )
Briley Getting ready for her big race! she ended up taking 2nd place. She did so good. We were so proud of her.

Baylee is so tuff. She also took 2nd place. She ran so fast and the other girl beat her by one foot. We couldn't be more proud of how great she did.
Briley on her first day of school. She was so nervous for first grade. She has been doing great in school and has been loving all of her new friends. She has a lot more homework now. I can't believe all the new things she is learning. She is getting smarter and smarter each day. We are so proud of her : )

Some fun pictures we took Labor Day weekend.
Briley on her first day of school. She was so nervous for first grade. She has been doing great in school and has been loving all of her new friends. She has a lot more homework now. I can't believe all the new things she is learning. She is getting smarter and smarter each day. We are so proud of her : )
Some fun pictures we took Labor Day weekend.