Well what a week I have had. First on Tuesday I was driving to work and someone rear ended me : ( Not the way I wanted to start the morning off. Thank goodness no one was hurt. We weren't going very fast and luckily there is no damage to my car. Her car was basically totalled. I am very thankful and happy that I drive a SUV. So after a few doctors appointments everything was fine and well. The baby is great and growing like he should.
Then this morning on the way to work I felt him move for the first time : ) I was so excited. It was so quick I am glad I caught it. I have been trying to move him around in there so I can feel him move again but it hasn't worked. I am sure I will feel it again soon.
I have some new 3D pictures that I will put up . My computer at home is broken : ( So I have to do it from work and I haven't had any free time but I am sure I can make some soon : )