Monday, August 31, 2009
3 Years and Counting
Last Friday Jordan and I hit our 3 year mark : ) I can't believe how fast time is flying. Since we haven't done anything the previous years because it falls on Labor Day weekend usually we decided to take a mini vacation. We stayed at Tapitio Cliffs this weekend and had so much fun. That is one of our favorite resorts. Here are some pictures from are great weekend.

Friday, August 21, 2009
6 Weeks
Monday, August 17, 2009
Teagan's 1st Day at Church

I finally found a copy of Baby Wise and started reading it last week. So today is my first official day of starting. For the last week or so he has decided that he doesn't really care to take naps during the day. So I knew I needed to get him back on track. I gave him his first feeding at 6:30 and then the next at 9:30 and he stayed awake until 10:30. He was fighting so hard not to go to sleep. He only likes sleeping in his boppy pillow during the say. It is the craziest thing. So I will keep my fingers crossed that this will help him get on a better schedule. : )
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
This, That and More
So much has happend in the last few weeks. Jordan got really sick, the baby got an ear infection and my Dad flew in last Friday to take my Mom back home. It's really weird not having my Mom here. She was here for 3 whole months!!! Once I got put on bedrest she came to help out. She was such a big help. I am so grateful to have her as a Mom. I miss her so much already.
Well we had some birthday's in our house. I turned 23 on July 31st and Jordan turned 26 on August 8th. I just want to say Happy (Late) Birthday to my wonderful hubby. I love him so much and I don't know what I would do without him : )
Also my little boy turned 1month on Monday August 10th : ( I can't believe how old he is getting already. Time goes by way to fast. He went for his one month check up today and here are his stats haha.
H: 21 1/4 Percentile 25th
W: 8lbs 8oz Percintile 15th
I know his percentiles are low but he has come a long way lol. He has put on 2lbs 6oz and grown almost 3 inches since leaving the hospital!!! He is growing super fast. I just figured he must not have had any room left in me to grow and now he is making up for it haha. Here are some new pictures of what he's been up to.
1 month
Well we had some birthday's in our house. I turned 23 on July 31st and Jordan turned 26 on August 8th. I just want to say Happy (Late) Birthday to my wonderful hubby. I love him so much and I don't know what I would do without him : )
Also my little boy turned 1month on Monday August 10th : ( I can't believe how old he is getting already. Time goes by way to fast. He went for his one month check up today and here are his stats haha.
H: 21 1/4 Percentile 25th
W: 8lbs 8oz Percintile 15th
I know his percentiles are low but he has come a long way lol. He has put on 2lbs 6oz and grown almost 3 inches since leaving the hospital!!! He is growing super fast. I just figured he must not have had any room left in me to grow and now he is making up for it haha. Here are some new pictures of what he's been up to.

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