Sunday, December 19, 2010
Blogging MIA
I know I am the worste blogger in the world. I have bee so busy I haven't even had time to think. I wish you could upload pictures to your blog from your phone like you can to facebook. It would make things a little easier lol. So below I have put up a few pics of what we have been up to. The girls played softball from begining of October to the end of Novermber. They will start back up in Feb. so I am pretty excited for that : ) Briley is playing fast pitch and even got to pitch a few games. She is doing so well. Baylee is still playing coach pitch and is learning so many new things. She has a great arm ( when we can get her to focus lol) The league asked me to me Team Mom over all the teams. So I am excited/nervous for that. It's going to be a lot of work but will be well worth it. Teagan is doing good. A terror as usaully but I guess that is to be expected from a boy lol. I will try my hardest to be a better blogger. There is such much that goes on and I need to be better about sharing it : ) We are so greatfull for another wonderful year and can't wait to start a new one.
Briley Turned 9 on 12-12-2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
We are Back

So I know I have been the worste blogger in the world but I am back. I am going to try and blog a lot more. We have been super busy all summer. The girls are doing great in school. They are both playing softball. Briley is in fast pitch and Baylee is in coach pitch. They are doing really well. With both of them playing it is keeping me super busy. I feel like we are always on the go. We took family pictures this weekend and they turned out really cute. Well I have tons of things I need to get done lol so hopefully there will be more to come soon : )
Saturday, July 10, 2010
July 10th 2009 5:42pm

One year ago a little miracle came into our lives and now has changed them forever. Today Teagan turned one year old and I am still in shock. I swear I just had him and we just brought him home. I can't believe how fast the last 12 months have gone. Words can't describe how much we love this little guy. He lights up our lives everyday. Teagan we are so greatful to have you here with us and we love you.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Sealed June 12th, 2010

This past Saturday Jordan, Teagan and I were sealed in the Mesa, Az Temple. It was the greatest exprience ever. It was such a wonderful and I am glad that we were finally able to get sealed. We have been waiting for this day for awhile and now it's crazy to think it has come and passed. We are so greatful for everyone who could be there with us and those who wanted to but were unable to. This was and is such a great blessing in our lives and I can't wait to see what happens next.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Last week we took the kids to Disneyland. It was such a blast. My parents and Jordan's Mom was able to go which made it even better. The girls went on all the rides and loved them. Briley loved the big roller coaster and Baylee loved Tower of Terror. She is crazy I know haha. In all the pictures Baylee is just sitting there not even scared and my Mom and I am screaming our heads off. It was such a great trip and I can't wait to take the kids again.
Here are some pics. I will put some more up later. My computer is being slow!
A little bit of this and A little bit of that!

So I have totally been slacking on our blog. I know I need to set aside sometime each week to update but things have been a little crazy. So here is a little catch up.
On April 10th Teagan turned 9months! I can't believe it. I mean it feels like when you are pregnant 9 months is going to take forever and now my baby is already 9months. He is getting so big. He doesn't look like a baby anymore. He is turning into the cutest little boy every. He is somethings that he loves and is doing.
- He loves to climb the stairs ( even though he is not suppose to)
- He see's food and goes crazy. I can't eat without he pulling himself up on me to get some.
- He loves yogurt.
- When he see's people clapping he starts clapping.
- He can pull himself up on anything and is starting to walk along side things.
- He says Dadda and Momma ( only momma when he wants something- go figure)
- He loves his sisters so much. He starts laughing and going crazy whenever they come in the room.
- He has 2 teeth now.
- He goes to sleep on his own like a big boy.
- He eats everything he finds on the ground haha.
That is just some fun facts about our little guy. He is the sweetest little thing and we can't get enough of him. Love you Teagan.
On April 17th Jordan, Rick, Jake and I did the Pat Tillman run. I finished running 9 min miles and Jordan finished with 10:30 min miles. I am so proud of him. He did such a great job. Jordan is not a runner and never stopped during the 4.2 miles. He is such an amazing person and I love him so much. I can't wait to do the run next year with him. It was so much fun.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Ok so you know those windex commercials where you see the birds fly into the window's.. well today it happend to me. Now by no means our my windows clean what so ever. That's why I think it's even funnier. So I was up stairs in my bathroom when I hear this noise. Of course me being the big wimp that I am I start freaking out thinking someone is trying to get into the house. Next thought is oh no the baby is down stairs sleeping. So I come out of my room and look to the left and there is this dumb bird hitting my window. He wouldn't stop. He would fly away and then come hauling back into the window. He just didn't get it.
I was posting the last blog and the whole time he just kept hitting the window. Finally I went down stairs climbed up on the couch ( it was a high window) and took a towel and hit the window. So now i'm thinking he will get the hint. Well he doesn't.. he then goes to my kitchen window! I feel like I am in that movie Birds. I am now freaked out to leave my house haha j/k but seriously these birds need to go. They hang out in my tree and poop every where and I am getting sick of it.
So there is my random/funny story of the day hope someone gets a kick out of it : )
I was posting the last blog and the whole time he just kept hitting the window. Finally I went down stairs climbed up on the couch ( it was a high window) and took a towel and hit the window. So now i'm thinking he will get the hint. Well he doesn't.. he then goes to my kitchen window! I feel like I am in that movie Birds. I am now freaked out to leave my house haha j/k but seriously these birds need to go. They hang out in my tree and poop every where and I am getting sick of it.
So there is my random/funny story of the day hope someone gets a kick out of it : )
Briley Jo Lewis, Baptized February 27th, 2010

February 27th , 2010 our oldest daughter Briley was Baptized! Let me just start off by saying what a wonderful day it was. It gives you such a great feeling when you see your husband baptize your child. I can't explain the rush of emotions you will have. Heavenly Father has sent us such precious gifts. I have never been more proud of Briley. She is growing up into such a wonderful young lady. We couldn't be prouder parents. I am sad that she is getting older but excited to see the great things she will do in life. We Love you Briley and our blessed to have you in our lives.
Monday, March 1, 2010
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