The girls started school today : ( Summer went by so fast. Today was Baylee's 1st day of school. I can't believe how big she getting. She did so good. I thought that maybe she might cry but she stayed strong. She did have a look on her face when she was standing in her classroom line like " What did I get myself into" haha. I can't wait to talk to them and see how their 1st day went.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
1st Day Of School and 1st Bath
The girls started school today : ( Summer went by so fast. Today was Baylee's 1st day of school. I can't believe how big she getting. She did so good. I thought that maybe she might cry but she stayed strong. She did have a look on her face when she was standing in her classroom line like " What did I get myself into" haha. I can't wait to talk to them and see how their 1st day went.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Our Little Boy
I can't believe how quickly they change. He is already 2 weeks old today!!!! He is getting so big already. I was looking at pictures when he was first born and he already looks different. I took him to the doctors on Monday because he nose has been has stuffy. I know first time mom worries about everything lol. The doctor says he looks great. In less then a week he put on another 10oz!!! What a chunk. The doctor and nurses says that means I have good milk haha. Other then that he is doing great. He goes through about 3 outfits a day and loves sleeping on mom. I am trying to enjoy it while it lasts. I try and put him in his bed for most of his naps but I hate being away from him. He is just to darn cute. Here are some new pictures of him.

Look at that dark hair
Look at that dark hair
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Baby Teagan
So it has Taken me a little longer to get to this post up again lol. As many know life with a newborn is a little crazy. Teagan has been a great baby thus far haha. Let's hope that doesn't change. I know wishfull thinking lol.
So on Thursday my doctor did the Non-Stress Test and everything looked good but he was still very concerned about my two ultra sounds. He said that they were so different from each other that he didn't want to wait any longer for me to have the baby. That being said he stripped my membranes and sent me to the hospital to be induced.
They started me on pitocin at 1pm and said that we would see how that went. The medicine got my contractions to come every 2-5 mins but it still wasn't making them any stronger. By 5am the next morning I was still at a 3 and my cervix was still in the mid range. The nurse said that the doctor would be by at some point to break my water.
Well by 9am my contractions were coming every 2 min and had gotten stronger. The nurse talked to my doctor and he said he would be by that afternoon but I could go ahead and get my epidural. I wanted to get it but I was so scared. I cried like a big baby all the way through. I was more scared for that then I was for delivery. Needless to say after that I felt great. My right leg was completly numb lol. I couldn't move it for the life of me.
Around 2-3pm my doctor came in and broke my water. After that things progressed quickly. The nurse checked me at 4pm and I had dialated to a 7. She told me I was going to start feeling a lot of pressure and to try and stick it out for as long as possible. Which wasn't really a problem because I had gotten a shot of benidrill because I was so itchy so all I was doing was sleeping lol.
At 5pm she came back and I told her the pressure had gotten a lot stronger and I felt like if I sneezed he would come out. When she checked me she said that if I did sneeze he probably would come out lol. So she called the doctor and started to get everything ready.
She had me do a few practice pushes and after 2 told me to stop because his head was already coming out. The doctor got there a few minutes later and told me not to push. He said that baby was coming out on his own. My contractions were pushing him out. Once his head came out my doctor told me to give a little push. Well as soon as I started pushing he said stop because the baby came flying out lol.
Baby Teagan was BORN!!!! I couldn't beleive it. I was in shock. Even the nurses and doctor couldn't believe how easy he came out. Teagan is doing great. Passed all of his tests with flying colors. He is healthy, strong and couldn't get anymore precious.
He went to his first doctors appt. yesterday and the doctor said he looks wonderful. We are so greatful for out new little boy. He is the most precious gift from heavenly father.
Daddy and Teagan
Grandma Lukens
1st Car Ride Home
So on Thursday my doctor did the Non-Stress Test and everything looked good but he was still very concerned about my two ultra sounds. He said that they were so different from each other that he didn't want to wait any longer for me to have the baby. That being said he stripped my membranes and sent me to the hospital to be induced.
They started me on pitocin at 1pm and said that we would see how that went. The medicine got my contractions to come every 2-5 mins but it still wasn't making them any stronger. By 5am the next morning I was still at a 3 and my cervix was still in the mid range. The nurse said that the doctor would be by at some point to break my water.
Well by 9am my contractions were coming every 2 min and had gotten stronger. The nurse talked to my doctor and he said he would be by that afternoon but I could go ahead and get my epidural. I wanted to get it but I was so scared. I cried like a big baby all the way through. I was more scared for that then I was for delivery. Needless to say after that I felt great. My right leg was completly numb lol. I couldn't move it for the life of me.
Around 2-3pm my doctor came in and broke my water. After that things progressed quickly. The nurse checked me at 4pm and I had dialated to a 7. She told me I was going to start feeling a lot of pressure and to try and stick it out for as long as possible. Which wasn't really a problem because I had gotten a shot of benidrill because I was so itchy so all I was doing was sleeping lol.
At 5pm she came back and I told her the pressure had gotten a lot stronger and I felt like if I sneezed he would come out. When she checked me she said that if I did sneeze he probably would come out lol. So she called the doctor and started to get everything ready.
She had me do a few practice pushes and after 2 told me to stop because his head was already coming out. The doctor got there a few minutes later and told me not to push. He said that baby was coming out on his own. My contractions were pushing him out. Once his head came out my doctor told me to give a little push. Well as soon as I started pushing he said stop because the baby came flying out lol.
Baby Teagan was BORN!!!! I couldn't beleive it. I was in shock. Even the nurses and doctor couldn't believe how easy he came out. Teagan is doing great. Passed all of his tests with flying colors. He is healthy, strong and couldn't get anymore precious.
He went to his first doctors appt. yesterday and the doctor said he looks wonderful. We are so greatful for out new little boy. He is the most precious gift from heavenly father.
Daddy and Mommy
1st Car Ride Home
Monday, July 13, 2009
Teagan Aaron Lewis
Thursday, July 9, 2009
So yesterday I get a call from my doctors office and they say go to the hospital because they are going to induce me. So of course I was really excited but very nervous at the same time. So I get there and they put me in triage first and my doctor wants to do one more ultra sound to make sure that the fluid is where the lady said it was. So they do they ultra sound and the tech says that the fluid levels look fine. They were double what the doctor at PWC said the day before. So of course I am really upset because I knew that I wouldn't get to get induced. Talk about being bummed out. So I talked to my doctor who told me that he could not induce me but that I needed to go to his office tomorrow to do a stress test. Well of course who wouldn't be stressed after that lol. So needless to say I am still pregnant and going back to the doctors for the hundreth time. Hopefully today will be a beter day : )
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
38 Week Check Up
So still no change : ( Well the baby has moved down in between a -1 / -2 station which is good. So he is down there and ready to come out but my body just wont let him for whatever reason haha. I only cramp a little every once in awhile so my doctor said since I am not having any hard contractions I am not going to dialate. He said he thought that might happen after he gave me the steriod shots. I am still measuring small ( by a few weeks) so he sent me to do an ultra sound yesterday.
The baby is growing right on track he is looking right around 7lbs 2oz. Everything on him was great and working just like it should. She was a little shocked when she looked at his feet. She said he had some very large feet. So at least he is going to get Jordans feet and not my tiny feet. His amniotic fluid was a litttle low. It's on the low normal side they said. I have another doctors appt on Friday and my doctor said if my cervix still hasn't changed then he will strip my membranes to help me get started. I will keep everyone updated with the latest and greatest : )
The baby is growing right on track he is looking right around 7lbs 2oz. Everything on him was great and working just like it should. She was a little shocked when she looked at his feet. She said he had some very large feet. So at least he is going to get Jordans feet and not my tiny feet. His amniotic fluid was a litttle low. It's on the low normal side they said. I have another doctors appt on Friday and my doctor said if my cervix still hasn't changed then he will strip my membranes to help me get started. I will keep everyone updated with the latest and greatest : )
Thursday, July 2, 2009
37.5 Weeks and Counting
So I went to the doctors on Monday and there is no change still. I know I still have a few weeks until my due date but it seems like forever. Which I am sure all pregnant women feel this way at the end. So I am trying to be patient and get so extra naps in because I know once he gets here that wont happen anymore haha.
My doctor did say that next week he might send me in for an ultra sound to see how big he is measuring and then if nothing has changed by 39 weeks he would start to help the baby come. So all in all in might only be another 1.5 weeks.
I am so excited to meet him. I am sure that once I go into labor and I am going to be begging to take it back haha. Othere then that everything couldn't be better. I am trying to stay positive and not get to irratable but some days it's easier said then done. Jordan and the girls have been great. I think in someways there are scared to cross me at this point in the pregancy lol.
My doctor did say that next week he might send me in for an ultra sound to see how big he is measuring and then if nothing has changed by 39 weeks he would start to help the baby come. So all in all in might only be another 1.5 weeks.
I am so excited to meet him. I am sure that once I go into labor and I am going to be begging to take it back haha. Othere then that everything couldn't be better. I am trying to stay positive and not get to irratable but some days it's easier said then done. Jordan and the girls have been great. I think in someways there are scared to cross me at this point in the pregancy lol.
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