So on Thursday my doctor did the Non-Stress Test and everything looked good but he was still very concerned about my two ultra sounds. He said that they were so different from each other that he didn't want to wait any longer for me to have the baby. That being said he stripped my membranes and sent me to the hospital to be induced.
They started me on pitocin at 1pm and said that we would see how that went. The medicine got my contractions to come every 2-5 mins but it still wasn't making them any stronger. By 5am the next morning I was still at a 3 and my cervix was still in the mid range. The nurse said that the doctor would be by at some point to break my water.
Well by 9am my contractions were coming every 2 min and had gotten stronger. The nurse talked to my doctor and he said he would be by that afternoon but I could go ahead and get my epidural. I wanted to get it but I was so scared. I cried like a big baby all the way through. I was more scared for that then I was for delivery. Needless to say after that I felt great. My right leg was completly numb lol. I couldn't move it for the life of me.
Around 2-3pm my doctor came in and broke my water. After that things progressed quickly. The nurse checked me at 4pm and I had dialated to a 7. She told me I was going to start feeling a lot of pressure and to try and stick it out for as long as possible. Which wasn't really a problem because I had gotten a shot of benidrill because I was so itchy so all I was doing was sleeping lol.
At 5pm she came back and I told her the pressure had gotten a lot stronger and I felt like if I sneezed he would come out. When she checked me she said that if I did sneeze he probably would come out lol. So she called the doctor and started to get everything ready.
She had me do a few practice pushes and after 2 told me to stop because his head was already coming out. The doctor got there a few minutes later and told me not to push. He said that baby was coming out on his own. My contractions were pushing him out. Once his head came out my doctor told me to give a little push. Well as soon as I started pushing he said stop because the baby came flying out lol.
Baby Teagan was BORN!!!! I couldn't beleive it. I was in shock. Even the nurses and doctor couldn't believe how easy he came out. Teagan is doing great. Passed all of his tests with flying colors. He is healthy, strong and couldn't get anymore precious.
He went to his first doctors appt. yesterday and the doctor said he looks wonderful. We are so greatful for out new little boy. He is the most precious gift from heavenly father.
Daddy and Mommy
1st Car Ride Home
I'm so glad is went so smoothly for you! That is awesome. He is a perfect addition to the fam :) And I accidently erased your number in my phone. I was trying to send you a text and the next thing I know it said contact erased! I'm an idiot. We love you guys! Happy for you!
That sounds like a pretty easy delivery! I love those. It is all worth it. He is so dang cute and I can't wait to see him in person. Greg is really excited that he is finally here too. He told me to tell you to tell Jordan (you get all that ;) congratulations. If you need anything please don't hesitate to ask.
Sarah! He is so cute!!! Congratulations! It sounds like it was a pretty good delivery! Thats great! Enjoy your new little man! They get big way too fast!
Congrats you guys! He is ADORABLE! We are so happy everything went well with the delivery!
What made you change his name?
Hope you are getting as much sleep as possible and recovering well, Sarah! :)
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