I have been such a slacker lately lol. I have been so busy and tired I haven't been able to get on and post. So last week Teagan rolled over all by himself!!! I couldn't believe it. I put him on the ground for some tummy time and the next thing I know he was on his back. It took me a second to relize what he had done. I was so excited. Of course I was the only one who was home lol. So hopefully he will do it again so everyone else can see.
I took him to the doctor last week for his 2 month check up and the doctor says he looks great. He says he is a small baby but is perfectly healthy. I guess with a boy you don't really want to hear that he is small haha but since he is healthy I am happy. He has put on a lot of weight and height though since he left the hospital. When we left the hospital he was only 6lbs 2oz and 18 1/4 inch long. Now he is 10lbs 11oz and is a little of 22inch long. Which I think he is a little closer to 23 inch. because his head was at an angle when she measured him. He almost doesn't fit in his 3 month Pj's anymore and 3 month pants fit him perfectly.
We just love him to pieces. He smiles and laughs all them time. He thinks it's funny to stick his tounge out and talks like crazy. I will get some new pics up in a few days : )