So this weekend we decided to go camping with the whole family. We went up by Blue Ridge Lake. Well when we got up there on Friday it looked like it had already stormed up there so we were hoping that we be the last of it. We all had a great time on Friday setting up and just relaxing. It was fun hanging out around the campfire with everyone. Well Saturday morning was a different story. The storm clouds rolled in early and by 10am it was pouring. It only lasted about 30 mins but the clouds didn't leave until about noon. We thought maybe we were in the clear so we all went down to the lake.
Well we were only there for about 30mins when the thunder started to rumble and it did not sound good. We all hiked back up the hill just in time before it started to pour. We ended up leaving that day around 2:30 because the rain was not letting up. All in all it was a fun weekend. It was nice spending time with the family and making new memories. The girls had a blast. It was there first "real" camping trip i.e. no bathrooms haha. Teagan did great. He actually slept most of the time haha. Here are some pictures of our trip.

Grandpa Lewis

Grandpa Lewis and Briley


Teagan and Me

Briley and Baylee

Everyone around the campfire

Down at the Lake

Jordan and Me

Briley, Baylee, Drake and Brody

Richard and Hailey
the pic of you and Jordan, you look so good! (& your boobs look huge!) lol . love ya
Looks like you guys had fun, despite the rainy weather! I'm glad Teagan did good on the camping trip! :)
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