Daddy and Me watching Football
That is what has been going on here. Almost all of us have been sick. Baylee started the trend , then I got it and now Teagan has it. Baylee has been coughing up a storm and they said she probably got bronchitis ( don't know if I spelled that right lol) and then Saturday night she puked 3 times. Teagan was coughing all night Friday night , had a fever and had the worst running nose. Took him to the doctor and they said he caught a virus. Last week my throat hurt and I was super congested. Then this morning I work up at 3 and had the worst stomach pains ever. I had caught whatever flu bug that is going around. Hopefully our home will get better soon. Above are some random pictures : )
you guys are just a 'sick' family! your son is soo cute, and i love him soo much. lov ur hair.
those pics are so cute! Love the daddy and son ones, too funny! Already a Football lover, just the way it was meant to be I guess!
your little guy is so cute! and i hope by now your all feeling better!
Oh no, that is awful! Hope you guys all start feeling better soon! I bet it is the saddest thing seeing Teagan sick! Madden still hasn't really been sick at all yet (knock on wood) and I am dreading when he does for the first time!
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