So this past Saturday Jordan, his brother Rick and I did London's run. It was so much fun. Jordan and I did the 2 mile. I wanted to do the 10K but was still a little to scared to take it on lol. I have been getting bad shin splints and I didn't want it to hold me back on that many miles. We ended up finishing our 2 miles under 17 mins! I was really proud of us. I wanted to be able to run my miles in 8mins to 8 mins 30 sec. and I did. Jordan has not ran since Pat Tillman last year so I was so proud of how well he did. I was ahead of him the whole time until the very end where he past me. He beat me by about 10sec. I had so much fun and can't wait to run my 5k in two weeks for Two Sisters One Heart : )
Your awesome! good job!
Way to go! Congrats on making your goal! You did awesome!
that is an awesome time! good job! :)
Go Jordan......
Love Randy
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