Monday, March 2, 2009

Ohhh We're Half Way There.....

Haha I thought I would start of with a little Bon Jovi.. But that's right folks I am officially 20 weeks pregnant : ) I am half way through and feeling great. Now ask me that question in another 10 weeks and I may be singing a different tune. I went to the doctor today for my normal check up and everything looks great.

I started to feel him move more this weekend. I can feel him kick or punch ( haha) when I am sitting still and actually paying attention. I am sure that will change in the weeks to come when he starts packing on the weight.

We are going to California on Wed. to visit and have my baby shower there. I am so excited to see all of my family and friends. I will put some pictures up when I get back. I will also post a 20 week picture tomorrow. : )

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