Saturday, November 21, 2009

Did I Mention....

The most important thing of all??? Teagan can eat solid foods now. I know crazy right. He has been eating Rice Ceral and Oatmeal for about 2.5 weeks and when I took him to his check-up on Monday the doctor said that he can start eating veggies. So he now eats solid foods 4 times a day and boy does he love it. He now thinks that whenever he sees any kind of food that it's time for him to eat. When it's time for us to sit down to dinner he has to eat to or he gets mad lol.

We went to New Moon yesterday and he was even eyeing someone's popcorn lol. I had to take him to the doctors today because he has another cold ( total bummer) and he has already gained 7oz since Monday haha. He loves his food.

1 comment:

Brandon and Melissa Brawley said...

Wow! Brayden is sooo opposite on the eating thing... He won't eat any baby food just plain rice cereal. I have to beg him to eat any solid foods... I don't know what to do with him! Anyway, sounds like you are loving being a mom! Sounds like you just love him so much! Sorry he is sick. Brayden got sick a lot when he was little. Anyway, hope your doing good and hope to see you again soon :)