Wednesday, February 10, 2010

7 Months Old

Today Teagan turned 7 months. I can't believe it. I swear when you are pregnant it feels like your due date will never arrive but then once you have your little one the time fly's by.

Teagan is trying to crawl. One morning he finally figured out how to get on his knee's up and by that night he was rocking. He Likes to try and bear crawl. It is the funniest thing to watch. His new thing is to pull down his bumper when he wakes up from his nap to wait for me to come in. He has been getting his arm caught as you can see lol. What am I going to do with this boy.

Baylee shared her ice cream cone with him the other weekend and he loved it. He could not get enough of it. As you can see it is all over his face haha. He is starting to copy things that people do. He can say Dadda, clap his hands, and just this week he was watching Little Einsteins and was patting his legs and making the sound that they were. I couldn't believe it. He is too smart!
Our little boy is getting so big. The last 7 months have been great. We couldn't have asked for a better gift. He brings so much love and joy to all of our lives. I can't wait to see the new little tricks he is going to start doing this month.


Richard and Hailey Apalategui said...

oh i love this boy. These pictures are so cute!

Tiffany said...

These pictures are SO cute! Just wait til he is will have your hands full! Ever since Madden started crawling, he is a major trouble maker! lol but its a fun age :)