That's right people our little Teagan turned 4 months today. Really where does the time go. I want my cuddle bug back. He is so wiggly he barely will let me hold him haha. He loves his bumbo chair. He thinks it's the best thing ever. My poor little guy has another ear infection : ( . For every month old he is he has had an ear infection. He gets his bad ears from his Dad. I hope we wont have to get tubes put in his ears. Other then that he is doing great. He thinks he is way bigger then he is. He refuses to sit when you hold him. He always wants to be standing lol. I love this little guy so much.
I love that he has to see and know what is going on at all times.
I love that he is eating rice ceral now.
I love that he has been sleeping for at least 8-10 hours every night.
I love that he talks like crazy.
I love his laugh.
I love watching him roll over.
I love how he loves to grab his feet.
I love how he is so smiley when he gets up in the morning.
I love how he loves to talk to the T.V. lol.

Daddy got me a nike warm up.
Jordan loves getting Teagan warm ups to where when he goes to the gym with me. They are a little big but hey he will grow into them : )