Thursday, September 10, 2009

Teagan Turns 2 Months

So today Teagan turned 2 months and got his first cut. Also to top it off he also has an ear infection. Poor guy. He is handeling like a trooper. He does want to be help a lot but what mother doesn't love that : )

I would say my 2 favorite things that he is doing but I have so many.

- He smiles all the time
- He loves to talk
- He sticks his tounge out all the time
- He only wakes up once in the night to eat ( now to work on sleeping through the night)
- He loves watching Cailliou ( don't think I spelling that right lol)
- He is getting so strong. Everytime I hold him he locks his legs and stands up.
- He has decided that he would like to wake up at about 5:30 every morning now
- He loves his sisters
- He is always in a good mood for Daddy when he gets home from a long day at work.

But most of all I just love him!!! He is the best blessing I could have ever of asked for. He makes me smile everyday : )


Eve and Tim DeLoach x2 said...

I love this kid. Happy 2 months! Your such a great mom Sarah, love ya.

Tiffany said...

He's so cute, Sarah!! :)

Becky said...

Is he really 2 months! Time goes too fast! He is a cutie!